External Fixation

External Fixation
We’ve long been supporters of External Fixation techniques in fracture repair. It’s why we supply a range of options in types of clamp. Plus of course the matching bars in a wide range of sizes and not forgetting an excellent spread of external fixation pins, both positive and negative thread. We also have some interesting clamp free external fixation options such as the Fessa system, which are particularly useful in smaller patients. The first section of this chapter is a good overview of the subject but A Step by Step guide is also available on request. As always, contact our Vi team with questions and for advice.


Standard Fixators (SF)

Standard Fixators (SF)

KE Plus

KE Plus

FESSA External Fixation

FESSA External Fixation

Linear Fixators

Linear Fixators

Circular ESF

Circular ESF

Epoxy ESF Putty

Epoxy ESF Putty

ESF Instrumentation and Equipment

ESF Instrumentation and Equipment