Ophthalmic Surgery

Ophthalmic Surgery

Ophthalmic surgery requires specialist delicate instrumentation. Vi offers a range of ophthalmic equipment suitable for use in most eye surgeries being dealt with in general practice.

To receive the latest offers & updates on our Ophthalmic Surgery click the button below:

Ophthalmic Surgery Kits

Ophthalmic Surgery Kits

Eyelid Speculae

Eyelid Speculae

Corneal Forceps

Corneal Forceps

Iris Forceps

Iris Forceps

Fixation Forceps

Fixation Forceps

Capsule Forceps

Capsule Forceps

Cilia Forceps

Cilia Forceps

Robert's Tying Forceps

Robert's Tying Forceps





Miscellaneous Ophthalmic Equipment and Instrumentation

Miscellaneous Ophthalmic Equipment and Instrumentation