The brand new BOAS Mouth Gag from Vi has been developed specifically to aid surgeons performing BOAS surgery. The unique design allows vastly improved visualisation and surgical access during these procedures.
This new device is based on the design of the ever-popular table-top gag for rabbit and rodent dentistry, with several key features and adaptations specifically intended for BOAS surgery.
Special design features include:
• Fully adjustable tilting base to support the upper body of the patient at the desired angle to maximise visualisation and access.
• The tilting base is supported by sturdy support rods to ensure excellent stability and optimal weight capacity.
• Two adjustable horizontal bars to retain the patient’s mouth open in the desired position. Both bars are adjustable up/down, with one of the bars having the ability to adjust forwards/backwards.
• Silicone bar sleeves for the horizontal bars are available to minimise potential trauma to the patient’s gums.
• Front-positioned cleat hook to allow tie-down of the tongue, if desired.
• Supporting hook for the ET tube or anaesthetic circuit. This is height-adjustable and can be positioned to either the front or the sides of the stand.